I have never done a tag post before, so when I found out I was tagged to do this one I immediately had to get working on it. I was tagged by Vanya from thebeautyblog2 . You can check her beauty blog, it's super cute. There is a link to it in the right sidebar. So, without losing any more time.... here are my answers to the "Common White Girl" tag...
Favorite Starbucks drink? Unfortunately, I have been in a Starbucks
shop. We don't have any in my town. I have heard people say that they are
extremely delicious, but I cannot say from experience.
2. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? On a typical school day, I would say around 15-20 minutes. I like to sleep in, so I can't afford to spend more than that. However, in the weekends or holidays when I am not in a hurry, I can take up to 45 minutes, but no more.
3. How many selfies do you take on a daily basis? I am not a huge fan of selfies, I prefer enjoying the moment rather than taking a picture of it. So, I would say that I barely take any selfies.
4. How many IG followers and pics do you have? I have been meaning to create an instagram for quite some time, but since I am not a fan of selfies I won't be uploading much. That's basically my main excuse for not having one yet.
5. Do you ever say "LOL" or "OMG" out loud? "LOL" not really, because I'm not English and the people around me won't understand it. However, "OMG" is a WHOLE different story. I say it more often than I would like to.
6. Do you wear the same clothing item more than once? Of course, I am not a big snob about my clothes. If I like a piece of clothing I will wear it 100 if I want to. However, I don't tend to wear the same clothes a few days in a row.
7. Are you racist? I wouldn't say I'm RACIST, but sometimes I do make racist jokes. I don't mean for them to be offensive, I just like to laugh. But definitely nor racist!!!
8. How many tweets do you have? Umm, I made a twitter a few weeks ago and I still haven't got the hang of it. I have about 20 tweets so far... that's a little bad, but I will get better, I promise. My Twitter is @2ferocious
9. Instagram, Twitter, or Tumblr? I am not a big fan of Instagram. Tumbr is cool, but I can't say I like it that much. I would have to say Twitter, it's fun and not really demanding.
10. What do you spend most of your time doing? Recently, I feel like am being overly lazy. I'm serious- I have taken being lazy to a whole new level. I would say I spend most of my time watching movies or TV shows on my computer... (embarrassed)
11. Who are your favorite youtubers? Ok, I am not sure if I should mention only beauty Youtubers, or all of them. I'm just going to say all of them: Michelle Phan, Macbarbie07, dope2111 (a.k.a. Primise Phan- Michelle Phan's sister-in-law), Ray William Johnson, Niga Higa (Definitely- I'm a HUGE fan). I watch many others, but these are definitely my favorites.
12. How often do you do your nails? Ummm, I can't tell you a number, because I go through different stages. Normally, I do my nails once or twice a week, but sometimes I can go one or two weeks without doing my nails.
13. Are you a shopaholic? Unfortunately, no. I like buying things, but I do restrain myself and sometimes it's really annoying, because I stop myself from buying something I like and I end up regretting it. Story of my life LOL.
14. How many times have you watched Mean Girls? The first or the second? The fist "Mean Girls" probably around 2-3 times. The second one maybe 5-6, because there was a period when it was always on HBO and I just had to watch it again and again =D
15. Do you own a lot of clothes? Can a girl actually own too many clothes. I think I have enough clothes, but I periodically buy new ones. I have to update, right? But I don't think I have THAT many clothes.
16. Do you take pictures of your food before you eat it? No! Maybe if I cook it and it turns out really well, I may take a picture as proof LOL. But these are very rare cases.
17. Do you wear makeup everyday? Not really. Even when I go out, I don't like putting a lot of effort in the way I look and most of the times I would just put on some mascara and a lipgloss. If I hadn't got enough sleep, I would put on some concealer.
18. What are your average grades in school? Pretty much all of them are A's.
19. How do you usually style your hair? As I mentioned, I like to sleep in, so I don't have time to do a specific hairstyle. I usually let it down, but if I am having PE or if it's going to be a really hot day, I will put it in a ponitail.
20. Do you always look presentable? Around other people- definitely yes. However, if I am staying at home with my family I am just wearing a loose T-shirt and some yoga pants.
that was it for this tag. I had so much fun answering the questions. I want to
thank Vanya for tagging me!!! I tag everyone who reads my post to do this tag.
Please leave a comment, so that I can see your version.
Nice :) Wil do this soon! :D