Saturday, August 17, 2013

Blog News: Random ThingZ

Hi everyone,

So after I posted my "Minion Nails" post I haven't really been able to write anything else beauty-related. I don't even have an adequate excuse, I just always kept putting it off for another day and so on. I am trying to post, but for no apparent reason it just takes me a lot of time. I am also kinda running out of ideas.I just don't know what you will most enjoy reading.

I did a "Read More" button on my posts because I think that every reader can choose whether to read it or not in he/she finds the topic interesting.

I am going on vacation next week (20 something August) for a week so I will try to write a bit more posts and post them regularly while I am there. I will update you regularly while I am there via Twitter. Don't forget to follow me @2ferocious .

I really like connecting with you and it's a pleasure for me to read and answer your e-mails and messages, so if anyone of you is feeling shy to write to me- PLEASE DO. I will answer you right away.


Twitter: @2ferocious ; Hrisi V

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Nail it: Minion Nails!?!?

Hi everyone,

Check out my newest nail design. I can guarantee that you will love it.... well, unless you are evil and very cold-hearted... like an evil minion =D

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Ferocious Critic: Garnier Essentials 2 in 1 make up remover

Hi everyone,

If you are not seing my blog for the first time, you may remember that there was a poll about what your favorite type of post are. Well, the results are officially in and you chose with a relatively big majority "Reviews" as your favorite posts. Then I noticed that I have only one review: Clean & Clear Blackhead Clearing Cleanser. So, I decided to do another one. Lately, I have been really pleased (and "pleased" is an understatement) with Garnier's "Calming 2 in 1 make up remover". And I am going to tell you why....

Saturday, August 10, 2013

DIY Banana Face Mask

Hi everyone,

Because of the super hot weather my skin has been really oily and also a little bit irritaded by the harsh sun. Normally I love doing masks on my face and maybe I will do a review of my favorite ones soon, but lately I have been loving one particular home-made face mask. It's really simple and it also does wonders for your skin. So, let's begin....

I Products: All you will need to create this mask is a banana and a little honey (one tablespoon). This will be kinda like a cooking video LOL This mask is great because it contains all natural ingridients and we all know... nothing can be more healthy and good for you than nature.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Blog News: Twitter

Hi everyone,

Guess what..... yes, I made an official twitter for my blog. It's @2ferocious (of course). Please follow me for non-stop updates about this blog and for many beauty- and non-beauty-related things. I am sooo excited.... I am still getting the hang of it, but very soon I will be a pro...

So, please follow me and stay informed about what's happening...


Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Hi everyone,

This is another one of my "Top 3 Songs of the Day"...Today I was listening to a little bit more fun and dance songs.

I Ellie Goulding- Burn
I first heard this song on the radio and I fell in love with it immediately. It's just so fun and at the same time very gentle and subtle. Also, check out some of Ellie Goulding's other hits: "Lights", "Figure 8", "Stary Eyed";

II Carly Rae Jepsen - Tonight I'm Getting Over You
Do I need to comment here??? Who doesn't love sweet Carly's songs. She is so energetic and her songs 
are just filled with the same enthusiasm and passion.Fot the moment this is a bih favorite of mine.

III Wisin & Yandel - Follow The Leader ft. Jennifer Lopez
This final song is just perfect for summer! It's fun, energetic, hot, and just makes you want to get up and dance. 
Jennifer Lopez is an amazing artist and performer and this is one I have been listening to A LOT this summer... 
and last summer, I think.

So, these are my TOP 3 for today. Stay tooned for more posts soon.


Monday, August 5, 2013

3 Songs of the Day

Hi everyone, 

Here are three random songs that I have been listening to today. They are not exactly the newest hits but they are amazing songs and everyone has days when they just need to go back a few years and listen to some good music. It's not exactly beauty-related, but it's still fun and have fun listening to them...

I. Katy Perry- Waking Up In Vegas
I have always liked Katy Perry, but lately I haven't noticed any new songs from her. That's why I decided to go through some her older ones.... and then I came across this one. I hadn't listened to this one is a while and I was just singing along, dancing and replaying it over and over again. 

II. James Blunt - You're Beautiful
This is such a beautiful song. Every time I listen to it I just remember hearing it for the first 
time from my sister when I was younger and thinking this sounds increadible. I couldn't even 
speak English then because it's not my native language, but even then I just kne that it was a 
very genuine and touching song. 

III. Lana Del Rey - Summertime Sadness
On the whole I haven't been listening to very party songs today, but I don't always feel like that. 
I have heard many people say that they don't like this song, but it always touches me and makes 
me feel a little bit nostalgic inside. And even though it's the middle of summer, this is still a great 
hit to listen to.

These are my top 3 songs for today. What are yours? Leave me a comment and let me know. 


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Nail it: Fixing a Broken Nail Polish

Hi everyone,

А few days ago I dropped my grey nail polish on the terrace,  the cap  (with a part of the bottle) flew away and I still haven't found it. Luckily, I was able to save the remaining of it before it fell as well. However, the bottle was shattered. It was completely unusable and I had to think of a way to save the nail polish before it had dried, because it was a brand new one and I had bought it exactly two days before. Here is how it looked after the accident =[....

Friday, August 2, 2013

Blog News

Hi everyone,

So, here I am: 2nd August, coming to you with the latest news about

As you may have noticed, there is a poll on the top right part of the page. I thought it would be something fun to try out and I can't wait to see what you answer. I plan on changing the question every week or so and will ask you al sorts of questions: about beauty, fashion, movies, food, etc. I feel like this is a way for us to communicate. I have thought of the questions for the next few weeks and I am soo excited to see what you answer on some of them.

Another new thing in my blog would be the "Search Bar". It is going to help you search through all my posts and by typing a word or phrase that refers to what you are looking for you will be able to see the specific post easy and quick. I am perfectly aware that I have about 10 posts right now, but I hope that in the not-too-distant-future when I have about 200-300 =D this will come in handy.

Also, again with the mindset of making things more organised, I decided to create "Series". By "series" I mean posts with similar content, or ones related to the same thing. For example, yesterday's post was the first post in the Series "Nail it" (get it =D, because it's related to nail polishes). I am thinking of doing this to other posts as well, so that if you are looking for a nail polish tutorial, you can just type "nail it" in the search bar and.... ready. There are definitely some things that need to be rethought, but I am still working on this and hopefully in a few weeks my idea will be fully developed.

I think this is about it for now. New posts are coming very soon =]


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Nail it: CraZy StripeZ

Hi everyone,

I really like experimenting with different designs on my nails and I decided to show you one of them. If you like this "tutorial" then I will show you many more. So let's begin....